If you are facing this dilemma we prepared a pros and cons list to help you make the best decision in choosing the workout environment that suits you best.

Training at home

While at home training offer convenience, it’s important to make sure your workouts are both effective and fun to stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals. Partnering with your trusted fitness professional, health provider or favorite gym to receive personalized on-demand video workouts via Hyperhuman, the revolutionary video content production & delivery platform, can transform your home gym sessions into fun and engaging experiences.


  • You save time you would otherwise spend packing your gym equipment or commuting to and from the gym. You can use this time to improve your workouts, rest and recover more after a challenging workout or even plan future sessions.
  • You enjoy a flexible lifestyle and get to have a better work-life balance where you spend more quality time with your family, friends or pets. You can even include them in your workouts as these ingenious pet owners do in this video.
  • You don’t encounter any barriers in keeping a consistent workout routine, even a daily one. We know that the first step is always the most important and at home it’s so much easier to simply start a workout whenever you have the time without any additional planning or preparations.
  • You get to challenge your creativity by improvising with household items to be included in your workouts.
  • You can multitask, for example by doing a load of laundry or by turning on the dishwasher during your workout.
  • You don’t see any temptations in terms of food, drinks or sweets as you would otherwise do on your way to the gym.
  • You use your own equipment so you don’t have to worry about germs or viruses.
  • You have an intimate environment cool down in the comfort of your own home.
  • Experience the difference that personalized guidance and engaging video workouts can make in your fitness journey.


  • You don’t have direct face to face interaction with your clients, but modern technology can easily compensate that through video calls and virtual workout sessions. At Hyperhuman we have your back in providing the right tools to make studio-quality workouts in minutes.
  • You might be limited by your clients’ home equipment, but you can use this situation as an opportunity to improvise and be creative, thus boosting your charisma and keeping your customers engaged. They will surely be delighted by all the newness you bring through your workout videos!
  • You don’t have the same professional equipment as you would at a gym, but your coach will always find some alternative objects that you can use or even an alternative exercise to be sure that you train those muscles you target.
  • You might have to get your own equipment for your long term workout plans.

More advices can be found in the following article – How to Build a Budget-Friendly Home Gym: Tips from Experts

Training at the Gym


  • You can pick and choose the right equipment to work out your targeted muscles.
  • You have direct face to face interaction with your trainer and training buddies.
  • The gym can be a nice change of scenery, a place where you get to spend some time away from the daily noise back at home.


  • You will spend a longer waiting time before the actual workout
  • You have to plan your schedule accordingly and it’s less likely to have impromptu workout sessions. Your working hours might spread out through the entire day (for example, if you work 5 a.m. — 9 a.m. & 1 p.m. — 2 p.m. & 5 p.m. — 9 p.m.). How can you even manage to have a life with this kind of daily working schedule?
  • Unless you live in a building with an on-site fitness center, you will have to commute to your gym’s location and waste precious time you could be otherwise using to work out more.
  • You need to pay a membership fee.
  • You have to share the equipment with other people and this increases the risk of catching unwanted germs or viruses.
  • You have to shower outside your home and this might be uncomfortable if you are the shy type and you value your privacy.

Home Gym Experience: Unleashing Smart Fitness Equipment and Apps

As we usher in a new era of health and wellness, the fitness landscape is shifting in remarkable ways.

The rise of home workouts is a trend that has taken the world by storm, fueled by technological advancements. Recent statistics show a steep increase in people swapping gym memberships for a home gym and home workout sessions, and smart fitness equipment and apps are playing a critical role in this shift.

Read more in this article.


Hyperhuman empowers fitness trainers, businesses, and gyms to create personalized video workouts tailored to your specific fitness level, goals, and preferences. They can deliver these workouts directly to your home gym via a dedicated training app, white-labeled for their business, ensuring a seamless and personalized fitness experience.

With Hyperhuman’s personalized approach, your trusted fitness professional or favorite gym can create tailored video workouts and programs that meet your unique needs and goals, whether you’re a beginner looking to establish a solid fitness foundation or an experienced athlete seeking to push your limits.

Talk to your trusted fitness professional or favorite gym today about how they can use Hyperhuman to create personalized on-demand video workouts for your home gym.

Happy workouts!