Is your fitness business future-proof?

Here at Hyperhuman, we’re passionate about empowering you to deliver the best possible fitness content to your clients. To help you stay ahead of the curve, we regularly analyze workout trends on our platform. Today, we’re excited to share insights based on data collected in the first half of 2024, revealing some interesting shifts in user preferences compared to our September 2023 report.

Let’s dive into 2024’s fitness trends for health & wellness businesses!

Efficiency Reigns Supreme: Shorter Workouts Deliver Big Results

Let’s face it, life is busy. The good news is, our client’s audiences are proving that effective workouts don’t have to take hours. While the average workout duration remains at a brisk 22 minutes (a slight increase from 21 minutes in 2023), this trend emphasizes the importance of creating concise, high-impact content that delivers results without sacrificing precious time.

Holistic Fitness on the Rise: Mobility & Endurance Gain Momentum

Compared to 2023, we’ve seen a growing interest in mobility (up 2%) and endurance (up 0.2%) categories. This shift suggests a focus on a more holistic approach to fitness, where building strength is balanced with exercises that promote flexibility and stamina.

Here’s a breakdown of the most popular workout categories as of 2024:

  • Strength Training (23.81%): Still a dominant choice for building muscle and overall conditioning.
  • Endurance (18.41%): Gaining popularity for improving cardiovascular health and stamina.
  • Cardio (11.76%): Cardio is making a comeback, likely as people gear up for summer!
  • Mobility (11.34%): Increasingly valued for enhancing flexibility and reducing injury risk.
Category 2024 (%) 2023 (%) Change
Strength Training 23.81 24.56 -0.75
Endurance 18.41 18.25 +0.16
Cardio 11.76 18.25 -6.49
Mobility 11.34 (combined with Balance) New Category

Program Trends: Get Toned Remains King, But Don’t Neglect Others!

Similar to the workout categories, the “Get Toned” program maintains its top spot (28.74%). However, programs focused on building strength (up 2.2%) and improving endurance (up 0.7%) have shown notable growth, reflecting the overall trend towards a more holistic approach. In 2023, “Build Strength” held a 21.56% share, showing a growing demand for dedicated strength-building programs in 2024.

Here’s a look at program category changes:

  • Get Toned (28.74%): Remains the most popular, but down slightly from 29.03% in 2023.
  • Build Strength (21.84%): Up significantly from 19.58% in 2023, reflecting a growing desire for strength training.
  • Improve Endurance (20.69%): Shows a modest increase from 20.00% in 2023, aligning with the rising interest in endurance training.

Key Takeaways for Your Fitness Business:

  • Time-efficient workouts are crucial for busy clients (consider offering shorter content options).
  • Mobility and endurance are becoming increasingly important alongside strength training (incorporate these elements into your programs).
  • A diverse range of programs can cater to various fitness goals (offer a variety of programs to attract a wider audience).

By understanding these trends, you can tailor your content to perfectly match what your clients are looking for. Hyperhuman provides the tools you need to create engaging and effective fitness videos in minutes, not hours.

Our platform offers:

  • AI-powered video creation: Effortlessly craft professional-looking content.
  • Extensive stock video library: Find exercise content to enhance your workouts from our partners Fitter Stock and Sweatlife Films
  • Branded training app: Provide a seamless fitness experience for your clients (available on higher plans).
  • Scalable plans: Choose the plan that best suits your business needs, offering more video minutes, team member accounts, and advanced features like white-labeling (on higher tiers).

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to deliver the content your clients crave! Leverage Hyperhuman to stay ahead of the curve and make 2024 your most successful year yet.